Now, everyone has an opinion about everything. It's true. There's more opinion in the world than fact. Except for the previous sentence, which is a fact, in my own opinion. See, there ya go.
I met this lady this weekend. A real southern lady. Like, I really wouldn't be surprised if I saw her again in a Scarlett O'Hara getup. I got to talk to her a lot and really get to know her. The woman is loaded with opinions. Some I agree with (like, how women are calling themselves independent for sleeping around and such. But, we won't get on that subject.) but some I think are way far off base.
She believes everything that our government does is some kind of conspiracy.
Well, normally, I like to listen to those sorts of things. Not that I necessarily believe them; I think a lot of evidence is coincidental, and that some people in history have just been down right idiots. Like, I'm on the fence about the whole cancer cure conspiracy. I think if there was a cure, even if covered up, someone else would find it in another part of the world.
As in all cases, opinions usually have little to no validity if not backed up with the proper facts and information.
This woman got all her information from some book. Wouldn't even tell me what book.
Now, she thinks Muslims are trying to establish a new World Order by bankrupting and destroying America. And that they are going to enslave and torture women.
Granted, each group has it's extremists, but if you read up on Islam, they're a very peaceful bunch. They dont' believe in war, and although women are supposed to be covered up like you see on TV, modern Muslim women have that choice to dress that way, and they are treated as eequals to men. In fact, if I am not mistaken, the Qu'ran says that male and female are to be treated equally. They're big on tradition, so it makes them seem less civilized. Muslims even believe in Jesus Christ. (Not as an actual savior [though he is stated to save the world in their escatalogical myth] but as the Son of God just the same). Take a religion class if you don't believe me.
Yes, Obama's middle name is Hussein, a popular Islamic name.
Is he a Muslim?
I don't care. His father is from Africa, and that's a big religion there. So, probably.
Does it freak me out that he's not all that patriotic?
Do I think he's making some choices for the nation that I dont' think are the best?
Do I think he's going for a coup de'tat?
I try to have a least a little faith in my president. Even if I'm less than satisfied with his preformance.
Have any opinion you want. But don't let it be an ignorant opinion! Inform yourself! All the knowledge you could ever want is at your fingertips. Use it.
Summer, 2010. The Beginning
So, summer has began. I am staying at my boyfriend's house in Pennsylvania
for the summer. I got here last Tuesday afternoon and I haven't really
slowed do...
13 years ago
{ 5 lovely Comments! }
I hate people who judge someone just based on their name or religion. Heaven forbid we have someone a little different as president!
Agreed! And if he's not doing his job correctly, that's -him- not anything else -about- him. Sheesh.
I don't think a president has to be all that much of a patriot, honestly. I love our people, but it doesn't mean I like the things we "stand" for. If that makes any sense at all. Ha.
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