I am beyond fed up with life. At least at B-W.
I am highly considering once more moving back to Tennessee, and this time, making it semi- permanent.
I'm tired of being lied to. I'm tired of putting my all into everything and getting nothing back. I'm tired of loving people and getting nothing. I'm tired of putting my faith in people who don't deserve a benefit of a doubt. I'm tired of half-ass friends that only give a shit when they see some benefit for them.
Every time I see him with that girl, my stomach turns. It literally makes me sick to my stomach and want to kick something cute.
I am most certain I am much prettier than this girl. That's the only thing that calms me down. (that's saying something since I don't generally find myself attractive.)
Bethel University in McKenzie Tennessee will only cost me 10k a year without financial aid. And i have family who would bemore than willing to take me in, and I'd have a job. Yup.
It's gonna happen.
Summer, 2010. The Beginning
So, summer has began. I am staying at my boyfriend's house in Pennsylvania
for the summer. I got here last Tuesday afternoon and I haven't really
slowed do...
13 years ago
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