
Sunday, March 14, 2010

the L word, big break, and big fights.

I know, I know. I should have made my first blog a while ago.

Life has been a wonderful whirlwind lately.

Two weeks ago, I started this (I think). In the middle of midterm exams. Go me.

And I've spent the last week all over the place, you see.

Big Break '10 was an epic success.

It all started Thursday. My man friend and I took our relationship to the next level- the "l" word. It was one of those words that I've been absolutely terrified to say. I haven't said that word to anyone in a very long time. And, although I was absolutely positive about how I felt about this boy, I'd never seriously said those three words to him. "Love ya"s and "I wuv youuuuuu"s were a commonplace. But never did I actually say ", I love you." And that day, I said goodbye to him just as I usually do. And as he opens the door, word vomit ensues.

", I love you.", I said.

He stopped dead in his tracks, and looked at me, with the biggest smile I've seen him make towards me yet. I probably looked petrified, or else turned a brilliant shade of red.

"I love you too," he said, smile still on his face. He turned again to kiss me one last time before heading out the door.

I feel like my heart is going 100 mph just remembering it. He is the greatest guy I have ever met. Sure, he has his flaws, but we all do. To me, the sun shines out his not-so-shiny areas. That's good enough for me :]

Friday, I took two tests and was free as a bird. Came back to hastily gather up my things, and my best friend and I were out of dear B-W quicker than you can say "Spring Break".

We spent the night at my parents' house. Guitar hero-ing ensued as well as some wonderful Pangrazios pizza. (It's really good. my favorite pizza in the county. No lies.) We went to bed at about midnight, because we were too excited about our upcoming trip.

Got up at 4:45 am. That was rough. Left the house at 6 am or so. Ten hours is what it took for us to get to Anniston, AL. It didn't seem like that much though. I attribute it to my company. Ha. I met my best friend's family for the first time (besides her mother, whom I have met once). We all went out to O'Charlie's for dinner. Apparently these resturaunts are common in the South. I had fried catfish. It was om. Went to Logan's to meet some of her friends. Played Band Hero with Sha-Ray and her step father and called it a night.

Sunday- woke up around 7. Had breakfast at the Cracker Barrel with Sha-Ray's family. (I didn't realize that hash brown casserole was my favorite thing on the planet.) Then off we were to Florida. The drive was decent; lots of interstate driving. I got pretty excited when I saw my first palm tree. (I've seen them before, just was excited when they became more apparent.) We stopped at a gas station on the way there to take a bathroom break. In the bathroom, there was a giant condom machine, labeled with some interesting names. I giggled like a 12 year old about it We didn't follow Sha-Ray's Grandaddy's instructions, so we ended up going over a toll bridge. And even though $2.50 is a ridiculous price to go over a bridge, the scenery was beautiful. We got to her grandparents' house after about 5 or 6 hours. Place was beautiful. We visited, had chicken and dumplings for dinner, and spent some time out on the fishing pier and relaxed. It was a great time.

Monday- beach day uno! We got up, had breakfast and visited. Then, we promptly made our way to Panama City. We stopped at a quiet little public beach between the towns of Watercolor and Seaside. Lots of very very rich people live there. We saw the house the Kellog's family used to own. And by house, I mean spaceship-mansion. It was amazing. After lazing around there for a few minutes, we drove to Panama City Beach. We bought some shorts and some sunscreen, got some Taco Bell and laid out on the beach. We also took a walk down the beach. In Panama City, all you can smell is beer. Oh, Spring Break. I saw a man wearing a girl's bikini top as their bottoms. That wasn't so pretty. Then I saw this bronzed man wearing uber tight americana boy shorts and a cowboy hat. He was pretty beautiful. Had to remind myself of the aforementioned boy I'm in love with. Haha. We spent the remainder of our time on the beach and drove back home for salmon for dinner. Which was delicious I might add. That night we walked around a shopping complex and had Ben and Jerry's for dessert out on the fishing pier.

Tuesday- beach day two! We went to this giant complex in Destin called the Emerald Grande and Harborwalk Village. It was a really sweet place. Bunch of little shops, and the hotel was absolutely beautiful. We went to a pulic beach down the street and it was amazing. It was one giant sand dune, and there was pretty much no one out there. The water was beautiful. It was my favorite of the beaches we visited. Went out to dinner with her grandparents, then went to Destin Commons. We saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D. It was pretty sweet, no lies. We walked around the p

Wednesday- Woke up. Spent some time at a beach. Then came back and really, just relaxed the rest of the day. Had yummy pot roast for dinner.

Thursday- left Florida :[ Drove 6 hours back to Sha Ray's mother's house. We went out to eat again with several of her friends, and drove around town, up to Mount Cheaha (?) and looked at the city. Went to bed early because we both were car sick.

Friday- got up early and played some more Band Hero. Ate some breakfast, and went to see Valentine's day, which was super cute. Ate at Fuji, and met another set of grandparents. After that, we ate at Mexico Lindo, the home of some legit and delicioso comida mexicana. Visited with an aunt and came home and went to bed.

Saturday- back to Ohio. The drive was brutal. Had a fight with my parents. Played a lot of guitar hero.

Sunday- lazed around the house. Went to lunch. Drove back to school.

What did you do last week?

{ 4 lovely Comments! }

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Destin was where you were going?!? Crazy! I'm going to Destin next March with Sydney, her baby, and our friend Alea and her baby as well. Haha. Weird! I'd never even heard of Destin until Sydney invited me! -lol-

Amanda said...

It's a classy place. You should definitely go to Emerald Coaste and walk around. Take a trip to Panama City. It's also a good idea to go to Destin Commons and go see Watercolor and Seaside. It's where I'll be when I'm a rich psychologist. *nods*

Sha-Ray said...

Oh hi. Here I am commenting on another blog. Because its what I do. Maybe I should pretend to be someone else. OOoo. What fun.

Sha-Ray said...

Well, shit. Your blog-y blog is set up so that I cant pretend to be someone else. Maybe I should make up a new google name?