Today's irk? -- Those social morons who choose to speak before they think things through.
Sure, we've all done it. Said something stupid, spilled a secret, or said something hurtful. Then we clasp our hands over our mouths and say "Oops." (Of course, different words probably go around in our heads, but those are blog appropriate are they?)
But, there are such people that exist out there, that make you wonder: do they -ever- think about the
things they say? Are they really that clueless, or are they purposely saying the stupidest things you've ever heard?
I'm related to one such person, and it boggles me. It's difficult to think that we come from the same gene pool sometimes.
For instance, she looks to my sister and I and says,
"Never date a boy without both of his parents. They're screwed up."
Ahem. First of all, to judge a person simply based on his or her parentage, is idiodic. Second, my father grew up without his parents, and though I'm biased, I think my dad is a pretty upstanding guy. He's always taken care of my sister and I and loves my mother so much. Irritating. My sister and I both dated boys without parents. And though it didn't work out in either case, they are both wonderful guys.
I was irritated.
Then comes the bombshell.
"Girls, do you know anyone who came from a split family who isn't a deliquent?"
I cleared my throat and looked her straight in the eye.
"My best friend comes from the most split family you have ever seen. I don't think anyone in her family hasn't been divorced. But she is the most caring, kindest, most intelligent person I have ever met. And kids like that have been through more than you can imagine. So I'd appreciate it if you'd not say anything like that again around me again. Thanks."
Ironically, I didn't think about saying that before I said it.
What a maroon. -Bugs Bunny
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