
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Requiem for a Beast.

Woo! Got a new laptop!

So, this year, I lost all battery power in my laptop, which is old as dirt. 2002. Windows XP. You get the picture.

I've been up and down with that stupid thing. It blue screened the first week I had it at college.

Piece. Of. Sh!+.

I've gotten porn adware. Voices that say "You've Won!". Increasingly slow speeds and pop up viruses.

Too old to get new virus protection when the old expires.

Freakin connects to the internet like it's dial-up.

The thing takes a good 20 minutes to just boot up. And I can't take it anywhere because it has no battery power.

And a week ago, it started turning off on its own without warning. FML.

I will give it that from the outside, it's virtually indestructable. It has been thrown, sat on, punched, and God only knows what it went through before me (bought it used.) Yet, you'd look at it and have no idea. Steel shell I tell ya. That's why I call it the Beast. Strong and indestructible, but painstakingly slow.

I freaked out and cried when it started turning off by itself, because that meant on top of the money I needed to make for school, I needed to buy a laptop.

But, turns out, my parents are really awesome people.

They came to visit here after dropping Megan off in Illinois for Bands of America camp. As I'm working on lining up golf carts, Dad says

"I have a present for you. But you'll have to arm wrestle me for it."

My dad is 6'5'' and 275lbs. I'm not going to beat him in arm wrestling.

So after work I told him how unfair that was, and he says "Okay, okay"..and disappears.

He returns with a huge HP box.

I start jumping up and down and saying "You didn't!!! You didn't!!!"

I'm pretty sure that my parents and my aunt and uncle had the looks on their faces as if I were five years old and it was Christmas morning.

Yes, the moment was just that magical.

Three years I put up with that stupid laptop. THREE. YEARS.

And this one is God's way of telling me that this school year is gonna be looking up.


I told Dad he owns my soul until this machinery dies.

They must seriously love me.

This probably means I will not have a birthday or Christmas present again this year, but I'm okay with that. This is more money I can save to go to Disney World. I'm down with it.

I kind of love my life right now. It's a pleasant feeling when everything starts looking up.

I love my parents. <3 Some days they drive me crazy, but, I'm really glad I have them.

What's going to happen to the Beast? Well,I plan on wrapping up and putting a note on it, To: Megan. Love: Your sister.

Actually, that's cruel and unusual punishment.

I told Dad he can tinker with it and do whatever he likes.

I'm just so happy, I could squeal.


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