It's over.
I am over it.
I am over HIM.
I am over the drama, the cheating, and the lies.
Because I am better than that.
I made up with an old friend. I wouldn't say we're friends again, but we are once more on good terms. We've been buddies since the 3rd grade. We went to D.C. together, and BOA. (Bands of America, do not judge me). We've been with eachother through thick and thin. Through complete annoyance, bratty guard girls, dating eachother's crushes, and idiots who like to spread rumors. After a long, tedious guard season, we had our fights, and we had our wonderful moments.

"I wouldn't want to go through any of this bullcrap with anyone but you."
That's one of my favorite pictures in the world, by the way.
I was a tad bit ridiculous and overreacted about something she had said to me, and just stopped talking to her. It wasn't an uncommon reaction at that time in my life.
I opened up to her about what my life had been like for the past several months. and she sent me a quote:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11
Not one for many Bible verses, but this one, spoke volumes to me. That small section meant worlds to me. And the fact that she knew exactly what to tell me blows me away. I hope that we become close again. She's fun, and a great person to have around. We are ridiculous and goofy together. For instance, there are very few pictures of us with a straight face.
Next, my cousin Holly. I went back and read something she sent to me last September, that actually made me cry.
She told me how much she loved me. And how, she hopes, that one day, her three little girls would grow up to be just like me. She told me that any guy that had my heart was the luckiest man in the world.
Never has a simple little message meant so much to me. Going back and reading it, makes me realize that I am worth something. That those little cousins of mine look up to me, and I can't spend my time moping about. I need to show them that I'm strong, and can overcome anything. Because that's the kind of women I want them to grow up to be, because I love them.
Oh Brie, what can I say about her?
Well, she has a habit of driving me -crazy-, as I'm sure she can tell you. I'm sure I drive her nuts too. Occassionally, we find eachother's problems trivial, and really don't care to give advise on the subject matter anymore. But we're honest about that.
"You're being a little ridiculous about this, don't you think? Is it really that big of a deal?"
Which, at the end of the day, is like a wake up call.
But we're honest about our advise too.
Brie would never tell me that everything is going to be okay if it's not. She knows I don't want to hear a lie. She'll tell me if she thinks I'm dating a dirt bag or a friend is treating me like old defecation. I do the same for her. We are not optimistic, nor pessimistic. We are real with eachother. And that's what she's been throughout this ordeal. We have our problems. We fight. Usually twice a year, once in the fall, and once in the spring without fail. I kid you not. It happens every single year. In fact, I get nervous when it hasn't happened yet. And even if we say "I'm never talking to that crazy bitch again," in a week, someone will call and said fight will be over. No apologies are usually thrown out. It's more like, "You're a bitch. But, I wouldn't have you any other way. How's life?"

Before college, marriage, and babies, we were just a couple goons graduating from high school with some tall dreams, but never wanting the present to end.
We've endured a lot through our friendship, and I'm glad to know that despite the 6,000 miles, she's still only a phone call away.
So, what would my life be like without Katie and Julie?
Not too funny.
I had never laughed so much in my life as I did my freshman year of college.
Those two girls had done some of the nicest things for me that anyone has ever done, starting with the German Carnival that flooded my room for my 18th birthday. They've always stood up for me and been by my side. Though we haven't been as close lately, I guess that's my fault. They are truly two awesome, caring girls. I wouldn't have spent my days and my dinners with anyone else.
Oh, and someone is always laughing:

And last, but not least, is Miss Amanda Sha-Ray Bannister.
This girl is my rock. It's hard for me to find words to express all this. And I can feel the tears flowing as I try to find the right words.
I feel like I've been a lousy best friend.
She's been there for me and done more for me than any other single person on this planet. (Besides my parental units of course. I'm pretty sure she didn't give birth to me or feed/clothe/love me for the 18 years in which I didn't know her.)
The way she has turned out is a miracle. She is the most caring, loving, and nuturing person I know. And she didn't have that kind of childhood.
She makes me realize how much I take for granted.
Yet, this year, I haven't done too much for her.
I would say that it'd be because I wasn't able to do anything for myself, and as true as that is, it doesn't matter.
But, she has stuck by me.
She has stuck by me through all my good and bad decisions, never once saying "I told you so." She hugged me when I cried, and always knew what to say or do to make me feel better.
I'm sorry that I had to put her through watching me be miserable day after day. Because if she were that way, I wouldn't be able to take it.
She was realistic. She knew she couldn't make me better, but dammit, she did everything she could.
And for that, I am forever thankful.
I have never had a best -best- friend. All of my friends had at least one more friend, male or female, who was just a little closer. It always upset me that I hadn't found anyone like that.
But...just as that Bible verse said, God had plans.
True, He made me wait for 18 years to find that friend...
But He gave me the best one anyone could ever ask for.

These are people who empower me. They do not put me down or try to belittle me, or cover my voice. They are people that are worth having in my life. I am so blessed to have met these wonderful people, and though I've had misfortunes, God has given me the most wonderful friends anyone could ever ask for.
I love you.
I absolutely love you 'til the ends of the earth.
Got that?