So, I had prof my freshman year, who, instead of yelling at someone for not paying attention or talking over her in class just would shout "Arethra!"
You know, like R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Little things bother me, I won't lie about that.
So last week, I went to go brush my teeth. My friend Sha-Ray was brushing hers as well. We were just goofin off when she goes to grab her mouth wash. She just stares at it for a minute, then lets out a "WTF?!". Her mouth wash is purple. There was blue mouthwash in the bottle. Gross.
So, then, a day or two later, I go to get a shower, and I notice that I can't find my facewash. So, I turn off the shower and look around. My facewash, along with Sha-Ray's shampoo and conditioner (for blonde hair) and someone else's body wash was in one of the shower caddys. Needless to say, we both threw a fit at our RA and kept our shower stuff in our own rooms for the rest of the semester.
I know that occassionally you run out of stuff in college. If someone wanted to use my face wash, all they had to do was knock on my door and ask. I would say "Sure, just make sure you put it back when you're done." Simple, right? I'm not a hog, I will share nearly anything, but you can't just take it and figure I'll be okay with it. Not cool.
Sunday morning, I woke up around 5am because I had to pee like a banshee. I walk back to my room to see "WHORE!" written in big pink letters on my marker board. I may have cried about it. That's a hurtful word, and it shouldn't be thrown around like that, even if it's true. Now, do I believe I'm the dirty W? No. I don't. (I think I'm a nice lady. Bahaa. Hangover joke.) And no one that matters to me thinks I'm that, so in the end, I'm able to not let myself be beat up about it. But, still, that's a nasty thing to do, joke or not. Not to mention, it's very...high school *shudders*.
Also last week, someone told me to "go die." Now, really? Instead of talking out the problem, and maybe realizing you were misinterpretting the whole situation, you're going to tell me to go die? Niiiice. I did cry about that one, I won't lie. It hurts to think that someone wants you -dead-. In hindsight, if i were a bitch, I would have saved the message on my phone and gotten this person in some serious doo doo. I've been pretty angry at points in my life, and the worst thing I've ever said is "I hope you have to spend your life playing the drumset in Cats the musical!" I don't understand why people have to be so...mean! Not only is telling someone to "go die" completely and totally disrespectful, it's just downright mean and nasty. How would you feel after that if something happened to that person? Not too good I bet. Now, I will point out that the situation this person is in, she has a warrant to hate me, but only because she doesn't know the truth of the situation she's in. Truth be told, I have nothing to do with the situation anymore. It does not involve me. So, I appreciate being left out of it. K thanks.
Now, I am going to continue to unpack.
Have a nice day!
{ 3 lovely Comments! }
thanks so much for stopping by and following!
wow, it sound like you have some crazy, rude, thieving beeyotches over in your dorm! and yes, it does all seem very high school. what good are you going to do going around telling people to die and calling them whores? ridiculous.
Thank goodness someone agrees! Haha. And no problem :]
Jeez! So much for people growing up after high-school, huh?
I would keep my bathroom things with me forever after that. I'd be so paranoid that something gross would end up in my shampoo or body wash. *shivers*
Maybe they'll stop being such buttfaces.
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